Build and fight for profit.

Posted in News on October 20, 2009 by mandanjim


According to MSN Money, Halliburton’s KBR, Inc. division bilked government agencies to the tune of $17.2 billion in Iraq war-related revenue from 2003-2006 alone. This is estimated to comprise a whopping one-fifth of KBR’s total revenue for the 2006 fiscal year. The massive payoff is said to have financed the construction and maintenance of military bases, oil field repairs, and various infrastructure rebuilding projects across the war-torn nation. This is just the latest in a long string of military/KBR wartime partnerships, thanks in no small part to Dick Cheney’s former role with the parent company. 

The cost of war..

Posted in News on October 20, 2009 by mandanjim

How many starving people could we have fed? Schools we could have improved? Sick we could help? the list goes on and on. America is a disgusting place that is run by the wicked and rich. Your tax dollars have the blood of innocents on them but don’t worry…The government cleans it off before they put it back into their own pockets.

Decency? Hardly.

Posted in People on October 14, 2009 by mandanjim

I would like to direct all of you over to The American Decency Association’s website. Take a look around at the insanity taking place in our country. Its not good enough for them not to watch/drink/listen/do/fuck things that they disagree with , you MUST stop too. They want to ban anything “offensive” and of course do so in the name of god. Do you know anyone who is a member of this group? I would love to debate them. People who support this website should be forced to watch men have sex with each other on a pile of bibles. The ADA , part of the problem not the solution.

Posted in People on October 13, 2009 by mandanjim

Do you think your workplace gives a shit about you? I knew mine didn’t but I really didn’t think they would sink quite this far.

First a recap.

Monday morning 7:15 am…

I am sitting at a stoplight on my way to the place I hate. Smoking a Camel and listening to some Busta Rhymes when out of nowhere my vehicle is struck from behind with much velocity. Immediately I have a pain in my left shoulder. I am thinking to myself  “Shit , that bitch hit me” and “heart attack” at the same time. Well it was the previous rather than the latter and to sum up the whole ordeal , teenage girls don’t know how to drive in adverse weather conditions. I get out and yell at the girl a bit and then proceed to contact my place of work to inform them of the issue. Later, I watch my car being loaded onto a flat bed by a grungy dude with a pony tail and it’s already after 10am. I still have to go to the body shop and contact insurance companies for claim numbers and the usual. I then go home for a nap and some aspirin. I arrive to work this morning to find out that me missing yesterday wasn’t approved. Basically meaning they were going to hold it against me and that it brings me close to termination for being late/missing work. Sorry I didn’t plan ahead soulless corporate scum fuck. It really is my fault I missed work because my car was annihilated and my arm injured slightly. The person who makes these decisions at my work place could easily just put a marker in the computer that doesn’t screw me but decides not too. I hope this piece of shit’s family dies of AIDS. I will lose my job because I was in an accident. AWESOME.

Are your employers scumbags too? Please share.

Fabian Paul 1923-2009

Posted in People on October 6, 2009 by mandanjim

 Fabian Paul, 85, Mandan, died Oct. 1, 2009, at his home.  Mass of Christian Burial will be held at 10:30 a.m. Wednesday, Oct. 7, at St. Joseph’s Catholic Church, Mandan, with the Rev. Patrick Schumacher officiating. Burial will be in Mandan Union Cemetery with military honors by the Mandan Veterans of Foreign Wars and American Legion Posts. Visitation will be held from 9 a.m. to 8 p.m. Tuesday at Buehler-Larson Funeral Home, Mandan, where a rosary followed by a parish vigil will begin at 7 p.m. Visitation will continue one hour prior to the mass on Wednesday at the church. Fabian was born Oct. 13, 1923, at St. Anthony, the son of Joseph and Franciska (Hoffman) Paul. Raised and educated in the area, he served in the U.S. Army during World War II and was awarded the Bronze Star. He married Hildegard Schmidt on June 15, 1948, at Fallon. He worked for Northern Pacific Railroad for 33 and one half years, retiring in 1983. He was a life member of the American Legion and was awarded Legionnaire of the Year in 1997. A member of the Coal Rollers, he also served as an usher at St. Joseph Church for many years. He was a member of Thunder Mountain Moose Lodge of Tucson, Ariz., and St. Peter and Paul Verein of Fallon. Fabian was a kind and gentle man who enjoyed life to the fullest. He found that daily prayer helped him get through the most difficult times, made the good times better and always provided comfort and strength. His unflagging faith was evident to all who knew him. Fabian enjoyed fishing which was made all the more pleasurable by taking his grandchildren along. He was an avid vegetable gardener and loved sharing his abundance with others. Making and sharing his redeye was also one of his favorite things. He made sure that his apple tree was always given the best of care and his friends always shared in its bounty. Fabian always made sure the birds and squirrels in his yard were well fed. He enjoyed watching their antics. Fabian was always there to help friends as well as family whenever he was needed.

He will be deeply missed by many including his wife, Gardy; his daughter and son-in-law, Cherie and Mike Jensen, Mandan; his sons and daughters-in-law, Frank and Jane, Bismarck, and Larry and Karen, Casa Grande, Ariz.; eight grandchildren, Richard and Nicole Jensen, Chris and Bryan Paul, Jeriad, Jayson and Jessieca Paul and Jeremy Cargile; three great-grandchildren, Trinity and Tyla Paul and Savanna Cargile; two sisters, Clara Markel and Perpetua Mildenberger, both of Mandan; and two brothers and one sister-in-law, Tony Paul, Mandan, and Nick and Rosie Paul, Cody, Wyo. Fabian was preceded in death by his parents; one son, Allen; two sisters, Catherine Kottsick and Margaret Fried; and five brothers, Jack, Joseph, George, John and Peter.

S. Africa threatens WW3?

Posted in Sports on September 11, 2009 by mandanjim

South Africa warned Friday that any attempt to exclude the country’s champion runner Caster Semenya from international competitions would lead to a ‘third world war’ after Australian newspapers reported Friday she was a hermaphrodite.

Sports Minister Makhenkesi Stofile expressed ‘shock and disgust’ after Australia’s  Daily Telegraph (and others), quoting a source closing to the tests carried out by the IAAF world athletics body on Semenya, reported she had internal testes instead of ovaries, had no womb and three times a woman’s normal testosterone levels.

Addressing a press conference in Pretoria, Stofile accused the IAAF of violating Semenya’s human rights for even questioning her gender and said the government had referred the matter to lawyers.

President Jacob Zuma lamented the invasion of Semenya’s privacy by the media, saying her test results were a private matter between doctor and patient.

Stofile accused the IAAF, which said the statements attributed to the body by the news reports were ‘not official statements’ without denying them, of using the media to leak what he called Semenya’s ‘so-called results.

‘It is clear to us Caster’s human rights are not being respected at all…’Neither Caster nor her family deserve this kind of humiliation,’ Stofile said.

‘After humiliating her they come back and say she’s a woman but we (IAAF) don’t know the percentage of a woman!,’ Stofile said, adding: ‘This is as disgusting as it is unethical.’

The government had not yet been informed of the test results but found them irrelevant, he said.

‘She does not have a womb? So what?,’ he questioned.

Melbourne University early development specialist Andrew Sinclair said Semenya’s condition was complex.

‘When we talk about what’s male, what’s female, we often think of simple boxes as a male always having certain levels of testosterone, having a penis and testes and a female having female genitalia and breasts,’ he said. ‘But it’s a bit more complicated than that.

‘There’s a spectrum and the disorders of sex development lie on this spectrum between what we’d consider normal male and normal female,’ he added.

Asked how South Africa would react if, as some reports suggested, the IAAF was planning to bar Semenya from future events, Stofile said unequivocally: ‘I think it will be the third world war,’ saying such a decision would be ‘totally unfair and totally unjust.’

Laying the ground for a legal challenge, Stofile noted sport had been declared a basic human right by the United Nations and that Semenya had a right to exercise that right ‘without harassment.’

The IAAF began the process of testing Semenya’s gender earlier in the season, amid questions about her suddenly improved times over the past year and masculine build.

The news broke just hours before the 800m final at the worlds in Berlin in August 19, which the 18-year-old won.

The IAAF said Friday it has received the test results, but would not comment on the issue until a final ruling by the IAAF Council which meets November 20 and 21 in Monte Carlo.

   ‘No decision on the case will be communicated until the IAAF has had the opportunity to complete this examination. We do not expect to make a final decision on this case before the next meeting of the IAAF Council which takes place in Monaco on November 20-21,’ the IAAF said in a statement.

IAAF officials refused to answer questions on the issue at a news conference in Thessaloniki, Greece, where the World Athletics Final takes place on the weekend.

Stofile charged that Semenya had been subjected to the tests without her or her family’s consent.

Semenya’s former coach claimed this week that Athletics South Africa began testing Semenya’s gender before ever she went to Berlin – without her knowledge. ASA has vehemently denied the charge.

Stofile laid the blame solely at the IAAF’s feet, saying the federation should have accepted South Africa’s classification of Semenya as a woman.

The minister also accused the IAAF’s leadership of ignoring a government invitation to come to South Africa to discuss the matter – even though the IAAF had suggested the meeting.

South Africa is demanding the IAAF apologize publicly for its handling of the affair on such a visit.

Semenya herself has not commented on the reports of her results, but on Friday pulled out of a race set for Saturday in Pretoria. Her coach said she was ‘not feeling well.’

It was not clear whether she has been informed by the IAAF of her test results. During the week, the IAAF was quoted as complaining that ASA was thwarting its access to the athlete.


So banning someone with 3x the testosterone of a normal woman and has testes from racing women is unjust? How crazy are the people of South Africa? If you read the results of the test and think it should be allowed to race women you are insane. Period. The other part of this that I don’t understand is the world war three comment. We could exterminate your entire country by this afternoon if we chose to. Don’t threaten people because the biggest thing to come out of your continent  since AIDS is being DQ’d. If this dude thinks she is such a woman I want to see him bang her. Yeah , I didn’t think so.

Nascar Jesus

Posted in Sports on September 10, 2009 by mandanjim






Bobcat closes , I yawn.

Posted in People on September 4, 2009 by mandanjim




I hate to even lower myself by entering the debate but I really had to take a moment away from the Tribune comment section to vent a little. I have grown sick of reading comments from cry baby union workers who lost their jobs at Bobcat. Does losing your job suck? Sure it does but there is no point in crying about it.

 I will honestly tell you that I have no sympathy for these cats in any way. They made great money, had better benefits than most, and overall had a pretty comfortable gig for quite sometime. What did they do? They went on strike. A large portion of these people were doing an easy  job for above average money they went on strike like the greedy fucking pigs they are.

Unions will be the downfall of American business in the end my friends.
Now would be a great time to get a good deal on used boats, harleys, and campers as these 475 people scramble to get a penny to pay their mortgages which I am sure are absurd in price. There aren’t enough low skill/high pay jobs for all of them out there.

More than once I have heard reports from people who got a job there and were then told by the older guys to slow down. Now who is to blame for the loss of your jobs? Maybe if you spent your workday umm I don’t know WORKING and keeping the company that employs you profitable you wouldn’t have lost your job by working slow and taking tons of breaks.

Does it suck? Like I said earlier , yes.

Are the employees at least partially to blame? Yes.

Do I give a shit about them? No

I am ok with people getting acquainted with the struggles most American families have been experiencing. Now you can see it with your own eyes instead of reading about it in the paper over one of your many workday breaks.

Movies based on games

Posted in Technology on September 2, 2009 by mandanjim

I am so sick of movies based on games already I could puke. Now that they have made a movie about nearly every comic book character , no matter how obscure (captain marvel?!?!) they are now moving on to rape gamers.  Some of the decisions are just crazy. Max Payne anyone? 99.9% of people who saw that movie have no idea it was even a game. I suppose I originally looked at the entire idea incorrectly. I thought they were trying to capitalize on the popularity of a game by making a movie about it when what’s really happening is a lack of new ideas. If they base a movie on a game the characters , story , locations , etc is already done for them. Its pathetic how out of ideas these people really are. Here is my evidence.

Far Cry – 2009
Tekken – 2009
Bioshock – 2010
Halo – who knows or cares when

and the list goes on and on. My favorite is when they call it “gametitle – the movie” or “the motion picture” you uncreative sacks of elephant shit , please kill yourselves and save me the drug induced rampage. I often wish everyone in Hollywood would die. For example if a crazed fat man from North Dakota who has ranted about their demise in blogs hijacks a plane and flies it directly into the academy awards. Just an example , I wouldn’t actually do it would I? Maybe , just maybe. So now you enter the unique position of a game based on a movie that’s based on a game. Wow what a piece of shit. I am too tired and pissed right now to even dance over to the subject of movie based games. Lets just say they are about as appealing to me as a hot sauce enema. Wrap your head around this before I go. This stupid new GI Joe movie (and movie game) so lets trace back the history of this in relevance to the topic of conversation at hand.

The new GI Joe game this summer is the following:

A Game based on a movie based on a cartoon based on a comic based on a line of action figures. Wow! Throw in the fact that there were nes GI Joe games (the one simply called GI Joe is one of nes’ best actually) and we have a 40 year spiral of nearly every single possible marketing idea and its all based on a doll. Or action figure as you nerds like to call them. You know what? I just looked online and thats a GI Joe cereal in the 80’s. I am done.


Posted in Uncategorized on August 25, 2009 by mandanjim